Home/geneva trainings/hem – music and movement department

hem – music and movement department

The music and movement department of the Haute École de Musique in Geneva holds both a Bachelor and Master’s program in pedagogy with specialisation in the method developed by musician and teacher Émile Jaques-Dalcroze.
The music and movement department of the HEM maintains close links with the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, the international centre for active and artistic pedagogy that bears its name.
It provides musical training based on rhythmics, a discipline which brings together the natural movements of the body, the artistic rhythms of music, and the capacities of imagination and reflection.
Improvisation, in particular, is an integral part of this innovative and multidisciplinary teaching. Similarly, the use of improvisation as a learning tool can be found both in contemporary dance and theatre, as in various sectors of therapy and the educational sciences.

The Jaques-Dalcroze method is taught in most European countries, the United States, Asia, South America, and Australia, contributing to the cultural influence of Geneva and Switzerland.


head of Department:
Florence Jaccottet

department assistant:
Juliette Dournaud

department secretary:
Peggy Siegfried Pittet

Home/geneva trainings/hem – music and movement department