eurhythmics and health
By promoting innovation and research – by opening up new socio-cultural and scientific fields of application, the IJD strives to develop its services for an increasingly diversified public. This work is carried out thanks, in particular, to the support of private funding.
“Eurhythmics and health” is organised into four sectors :
eurhythmics at the service of seniors
Dalcroze eurhythmics for seniors is more than a simple physical activity : it stimulates (among other things) balance, coordination, attention, concentration, and memory. It develops musicality, imagination and relaxation in a friendly and social environment.
The benefits of eurhythmics for seniors on the physical and mental health of the elderly are numerous. In particular, the results of studies carried out in collaboration with the Geneva University Hospital (HUG) show that the regular practice of Dalcroze eurhythmics :
– reduces the risk of falling by more than 50% ;
– provides more benefits than a conventional exercise program in order to reduce falls ;
– induces functional and structural changes in certain brain areas (brain functional MRI analyses).
learn more about the results and ongoing studies (french)
learn more about documentation and media (french)
list of classes :
at IJD la Terrassière and in the Geneva district:
- eurhythmics for seniors (french)
only at IJD la Terrassière:
- eurhythmics at my tempo (french)
- adult and senior choir (french)
- eurhythmics fit seniors
- coming soon : collective piano improvisation (PIC) seniors
eurhythmics for aged-care residents:
- EMS la Terrassière
- EMS Fort-Barreau
- EMS Pré Pariset
- EMS La Châtelaine
- EMS Le Nouveau Prieuré
eurhythmics at the service of health
Through various collaborations (in particular with the University Hospitals of Geneva) many pilot projects and courses are offered with supporting scientific studies.
current projects and courses:
- eurhythmics and Parkinson’s (french)
- eurhythmics and long-COVID (french)
- cardiovascular rehabilitation, DIAfit and ARTERIOfit (ongoing pilot project)
- collaboration with the Accident Prevention Office around the “walking balance” label
past projects:
- eurhythmics and Cancer (2015-2016)
- Alzheimer’s (2009-2010)
eurhythmics at the service of people with disabilities
Dalcroze eurhythmics offers a complete framework of music and movement where each individual can find their place.
current projects and courses:
- courses for adults from Public Institutions for Integration (Etablissements Publics pour l’Intégration) at La Terrassière and La Combe
- courses for blind and visually-impaired children at the Educational Centre for Visually Impaired Students (Centre Pour Handicap de la Vue) in Lausanne
- courses for deaf and hearing-impaired children at the Learning Centre for the Deaf (Centre de compétences en surdité) in Geneva
- integration of children with physical and mental disabilities into the music school (depending on the availability of the teaching team)
- project for the adaptation of curriculum
past projects:
- courses for residents at the Aigues Vertes Foundation (2011-2014)
eurhythmics at the service of integration
Dalcroze eurhythmics can aid social integration. It can encourage conversation, foster relationships with others, and help develop strategies to overcome learning difficulties.
current projects and courses:
- parent-child courses for refugee families in collaboration with the Association of Intercultural Mediators (Association de médiatrices interculturelles) (for more information: AMIC)
- integration of former students of the AMIC parent-child course, and their older brothers and sisters, into the music school (in collaboration with AMIC)
- aid and follow-ups for music school students in difficult financial or family situations
- places offered for concerts/shows
past projects:
- musical activities at Villa YoYo (Christian Unions of Geneva) in collaboration with the Musique et Vie association : eurhythmics as a means of helping children and adolescents to learn and integrate (for more information: © Mouvements – Publication of the IJD – 2009 (pdf)