The IJD is looking forward to welcoming you

- with the intention of undertaking professional studies in the music and movement department of the Haute école de musique, Geneva (HEM);
- for CAS students (non-professional certificate) in Dalcroze pedagogy at the HEM;
- for students from other departments of the HEM (compulsory internships as part of their Master’s studies in music pedagogy);
- for professionals (educators, musicians, dancers, actors, therapists, etc.) wishing to learn about this approach.
in a group
- Organisation of visits and specific courses for groups according to areas of interest.
visit dates
The visit dates and registration for the current school year are available on our French site. Registration close 2 weeks before the start of the visits.The flat rate, to be paid at registration is: 150.- for 3 days of visits / 200.- for 5 days of visits.
lesson observation
The program of courses that visitors may attend is varied: ranging from rhythmics classes for parent and child to those for seniors, and including courses given for professional students. All the courses and the videos are in French; the presentation of the method is in French or in English.
A meeting is scheduled for Monday morning at 8:45 am at the Institute so that visitors receive all the information necessary for the smooth running of the 3 or 5 days. The days start around 8:30am/9am and end around 6pm.
- contact:
other opportunities to discover the Jaques-Dalcroze method available to you